Rob's Reminders for Crushing our TransforMISSION

Published 08/08/2019


See Rob’s smile? That’s how you feel when you’ve dropped 10% body fat in just 90 days!

What motivated him to take on our 4-Week TransforMISSION? How did he stay on track? Find out below! 

"I began looking into LbF after being told by my doctor that I wasn't doing enough to keep myself healthy after having a major surgery. I found out about LbF in the beginning of November and finally took my first class in mid-January (I was definitely a bit apprehensive). I think that starting my experience with the TransforMISSION was invaluable because it helped me keep track of my habits, which made it easier to make healthier choices. I'm coming up on six months with LbF, and I still look forward to my next class as much as I did during that first month."

In addition to keeping one of the most detailed journals we’ve ever seen, Rob provided our fellow clients with personal reminders that he used to make the TransforMISSION work for him.

Rob’s Reminders for Crushing our 4-Week TransforMISSION:

  1. Don’t waste a workout. No half assing it; you’ll feel better.
  2. The days that you don’t feel like exercising are the days you need it the most.
  3. Craft beer is not your friend.
  4. Stay off the scale! There is so much more to your progress than just that number.
  5. Lights off at bedtime. Sleep at a normal hour.
  6. Don’t be lazy on non-workout days.
  7. Don’t eat late.
  8. Walk with your [weight] loss, using a plate, water bucket, etc. This helped me understand my progress.
  9. Keep sensible indulgences sensible. Be smart and don’t set yourself back.
  10. Keep healthy snacks handy (almonds, strawberries, blueberries, etc.). It’s okay, you’ll burn it off.
  11. Order right when eating out and try new things.


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