First Laidy's Food Diary

Published 11/05/2012

So Ryan and I often get asked what we eat on a regular day. So I figured I would put my typical day of food out there along with some different snacks you could have!

As some of you know, I’m a hair stylist and am on my feet all day.  I usually don’t have much time to eat so I try to do my prep the night before so I can eat healthy at work, and also so I’m not running around like a nut in the am!

First thing’s first, I must have my coffee in the morning! A wise man once said to me as a play on an old saying “caffeinated wife, happy life!”

Breakfast – either a mocha madness smoothie or tropical smoothie (I mostly prepare these the night before so in the morning I just add ice and protein powder before blending)

Optional Snack – (I pick two of the following and try to have one in the morning and one later in the day) apple, 2 hard-boiled eggs, berries, sprouted nuts

Lunch – Leftovers from dinner or I will make/buy a salad. On my salad are lots of veggies and a protein with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar (usually balsamic but we sometimes use coconut or red wine)

Optional Snack – if I have time I’ll eat something from the snacks above

Dinner – Unless we’re doing something special, the standard dinner starts with salad filled with veggies, then the main dish consists of a protein (chicken, fish, steak, pork or eggs) and 2 sides (typically a green leafy like kale, cabbage, collards, swiss chard, etc. and another vegetable like mushrooms, onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips, broccoli, asparagus, etc.)

His and Hers Appetizers

Dessert – Fruit (whatever is in season) and dark chocolate!

So there you have it, a typical day of food in my life! :)

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