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Justifying An Indulgent Living

Published 06/13/2012

Dieting is hard. Consistent dieting is practically impossible. So how do you create/implement a lifestyle (sorry for the bastardized term) that is healthy and consistently enjoyable? Well, educating yourself is a good start. Here’s some of the stuff I’ve found that helps me feel good about being a naughty eater:

Here Goes Nothing!

Published 06/05/2012

I cannot believe it’s been almost three weeks and Warrior Dash is on Sunday!! So I have said it a million times I hate to run and Ryan really took it easy on me as far as the running goes! I have done basically no running except my one hour workout at Neuty that I did almost two weeks ago. BUT I have been walking pretty much twice a day for the past three weeks (even sometimes when it’s raining).

Yogging Without Yogging Case Study - Reach the Beach Relay

Published 05/23/2012

If I keep this up I’m not going to be able to classify myself as a “non-runner.” From the “seemed like a good idea at the time” file, late last week I found myself packing for a weekend of running, driving, spectating, beer-drinking, and power-napping that was the Massachusetts Reach the Beach Relay! It had its ups and downs but overall was a good time and I’ll probably do it again.

First Laidy's Couch to 5k Experiment

Published 05/22/2012

I’m not really a couch person but you get the idea…a while ago Ryan asked me if I would participate in a 5k. I’m not into events – they’re just not my thing. Not to mention I hate running. I DO NOT RUN. I HATE RUNNING. Anyway, he wanted me to be his guinea pig; to run a racewithout actually doing much running at all to get ready for it. I eventually caved.

Making Meatballs, Making Meatballs

Published 05/09/2012

YES… I have been a slacker for this past month and have not posted anything! Lately Ryan has been cooking most meals and when I do make a meal it’s probably boring or something that you have seen before! So I figured I would make it up to everyone by posting one of the most delicious meatballs recipes I know!