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Impromptu Sprint/Plyo Session

Published 11/30/2010

Hello old friends! As it always seems to happen, the planned WOD was revised once again tonight. Before heading out to BFC for a strength session, I had to let out the dog to do her thing…Well she took off running and inspired me to do the same (and not just to save myself from the wrath of LL). Since it felt right, I was game for a change.

Active Rest - Florida & Bahamas

Published 11/07/2010

It’s been tough to get the time and energy needed for a solid WOD lately. So unlike most vacations where rest was the main focus, getting the HR up at least a couples times was a big time priority. In between tons of walking and swimming, I hit a couple solid ones…

"Rest" Month Recap

Published 09/26/2010

It’s true folks – I haven’t had a formal workout in a month! Thanks to IF, eating well (most of the time) and staying active in other ways, I’ve been able to avoid the expected fat gain and muscular atrophy. I believe that although I’m sure I’ve lost some strength and endurance, I’ll come back stronger and fitter than ever after I get back in the “routine”. I have nothing to back up this claim but since fitness or weight loss or basically anything in life does not change linearly, I’m thinking a little dip in my fitness level will allow me to raise the ceiling in the future. It’s not like I’ve been sitting on my ass all day either. In fact, one of my new jobs has helped increase my grip strength which has always been a weakness for me. Here are some of the other highlights:

LSD on Mount Washington

Published 08/30/2010

…that stands for long slow distance. Last weeked I joined some family and friends for a trek up the highest peak in the Northeast. Due to a late start (shocking!), hiking buddy and photographer extraordinair Shawn Newman and I had to keep a steady pace to make the scenic route to the Lakes of the Clouds Hut in time for dinner.

The Sand Dune Experience

Published 08/23/2010

Sometimes you just know you’re in for a badass workout. During my warmup last Wednesday at the infamous dunes, I got a nice adrenaline kick from a couple heliopters swooping down between the small dune and big dune…