Our Blog

Justifying A "Lazy" Living

Published 02/04/2013

A lot of people are intrigued by the name Laid-back Fitness. How can one base their business on an oxymoron? Well, if you’ve been reading here for a while, you already know that we at LbF value rest, sleep, recovery, random but brief intense bouts of movement, and most importantlyefficiency! Based on approximately 10 years of epistomology, I’ve found an extremely efficient way to look good, feel amazing and perform well without having to be a deuchy gym bro, psycho WOD killa, or obsessive endurance “athlete.” Here’s how my experience has shaped the LbF way:

Frozen Clam 2.0

Published 01/03/2013

The Second Annual Frozen Clam was held on 1/1/13 at Goddard Park! Although the conditions were significantly tougher than last year, we had an even bigger turnout! We also raised more than twice as much money as last year! The current total is approaching $4,000! That’s a lot of clams!

This Is Why I Train - Neuty Ridin

Published 12/30/2012

I’ve written about this before; the side benefits of training for an adaptive body able to perform spontaneously or when the situation presents itself. Well, what better way to embrace Winter with (Tough Mudders aside) my best workout of 2012!

Homemade Irish Cream

Published 12/15/2012

Want to be a hit at your holiday party? Make this amazing and indulgent treat and bring it as a gift for the host! Hopefully they open it up right then for all to enjoy!

Spartan Fenway Review

Published 12/12/2012

A crossfit workout with an obstacle race feel. Spartan Fenway was cool because of the setting and overall a good time. Since I’m an adventure race snob I’ll say it required fitness but not much toughness. Here’s how it went down: